The following is an abridged version of the course syllabus. A full course syllabus can be found on the Canvas class website.
In this course, students will gain
The course is organized into two phases.
Part 1: Analyzing communities using nonspatial data. Topics include descriptive statistics, exploratory data analysis, data presentation, and visualization. As the major source of national community-level data in the United States, the U.S. Census will be covered extensively.
Part 2: Analyzing communities using spatial data. Topics include big data, government open data, point pattern analysis, spatial clustering, residential segregation, point pattern analysis and story mapping.
Most Monday lectures will be a combination of lecture and graded/ungraded in-class exercises/questions covering the week’s substantive topics. The ungraded exercises during lecture are meant to be less about learning how to do a task in R, and more about deepening your understanding of the week’s substantive topics. Expect that many of these exercises and questions be reflective of those found in the quizzes. See the agenda for when the required in-class activities will take place. Monday lectures will not be recorded.
Most Wednesday lectures will be a combination of some lecture covering the week’s topic but mostly computer sessions covering the week’s lab guide, which will be released on the course website every Wednesday before class. I will ask you to bring your laptops to Wednesday lectures in order to follow along. Not all lectures are expected to go the full class period. Wednesday lectures will be recorded and posted on Canvas.
The TA will cover lab guide material that we were not able to get to during the Wednesday computer sessions. They will also provide additional guidance on higher level points and provide more refined assignment feedback and help. The lab guides provide hands on practice using real data. They will provide step-by-step instructions on executing specific tasks using a software program. Although you do not need to turn in lab guides for a grade, it is expected that you will go through each guide and master its contents.
Required reading material is composed of a combination of the following
Journal articles and research reports.
My handouts
There is no single official textbook for the course. Instead, I’ve selected journal articles and research reports. For most topics, in lieu of an article or book chapter, I will provide lecture handouts on Canvas in advance of the assigned class.
The other major course material are lab guides, which will be released before the Wednesday lecture. Many of the R lab guides will closely follow two textbooks. These textbooks are not required, but are great resources. The first textbook covers the first part of the course (nonspatial data)
The textbook is free online at:
The second textbook covers the second part of the course (spatial data)
The textbook is free online at:
R is the statistical language used in this course, as it has become an increasingly popular program for data analysis in the social sciences. R is freeware and you can download it on your personal laptop and desktop computers. We will use RStudio as a user friendly interface for R.
We will also introduce the program ArcGIS Online Story Maps.
Assignments will be released on the lab website each week Wednesday morning and will be due the following Wednesday morning on Canvas. Assignment questions are located at the end of each lab guide. They will contain a combination of programming tasks and theoretical questions that you will need to answer on your own. For each assignment, you will need to submit an R Markdown Rmd and html file on Canvas. Complete assignment guidelines can be found here:
In order to get full credit for each assignment, you will need to
Note that assignments will get progressively harder, so it is important that you master the material each week as assignments will build on one another. If you get stuck you can seek help from the TA, who will be available in the scheduled lab sessions and during office hours. We also encourage you to work with other students, but you must submit your own assignment.
Late submissions will be deducted 10% per 24 hours until 72 hours after the submission due time. After 72 hours your submission will not be graded. No exception unless you provide documentation of your illness or bereavement before the due date. If you cannot upload the assignment on Canvas due to technical issues, you must email it as an attachment to the TA by the submission due time.
There will be two quizzes that will test conceptual material covered in lecture and readings. The quizzes are open book and will be taken in class on your laptop during their designated dates and will cover only the material covered since the last quiz. They will consist of short computational, multiple choice and short answer questions. You will not be expected to write or interpret R code. Make-up quizzes will be given ONLY in the case of extreme emergencies (severe illness, death in the immediate family) and when accompanied by appropriate documentation (e.g. doctor’s note). In the case of unexcused absences (travel plans, overslept, etc.), there are no make-up quizzes. If you have been tested or have been exposed to COVID, and cannot take the test in class but can take it at home, we will provide accommodations to take the quiz during the same time as the rest of the class.
There will be two in-class activities that will focus on the use of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in learning how to code. We strictly prohibit the use of AI in quizzes and written portions of your assignments and final project is not permitted. You are allowed to use AI in the coding portions of your homework assignments, but only to help aid in your learning of the material. The two in-class activities will demonstrate how to view AI not as a tool to replace your learning, but to enhance it. Attendance is required unless you provide a viable excuse ahead of the designated class. In-class activities cannot be made up. You will be required to use your laptops for the in-class activities. If you do not own one, let us know at the beginning of the quarter.
The purpose of the final course project is to provide students the opportunity to apply the concepts and methods learned in class on a real-world problem of their choice. The project is an individual project. It will be completed in phases, which are designed to ensure progress throughout the quarter. The project will involve choosing at least one specific community (city or county) and answering a question about that community. You will (i) identify a community of interest (city or county with a population size in the top 100); (ii) identify a question you want to answer for that community; (iii) find some data that pertain to the community and topic of interest; (iv) organize those data so that you can analyze them; (iv) perform some analysis on the data; (v) present your results through a StoryMap; (vi) give feedback to your peers’ StoryMaps. More detailed information of project parameters are provided on Canvas in the document final_project_description.pdf in the Final Project folder on Canvas.
Please see the full syllabus on the Canvas website for information regarding student resources, course communication, code of conduct, and grades.
The schedule is subject to revision throughout the quarter. Please see the full syllabus on Canvas for a more detailed version of the agenda.
Date | Class | Topic | Readings | Assignment | Quiz | Activity | Project |
31-Mar | Lecture | Intro to class. Data analysis framework. | Handout 1; Duarte & deSouza | ||||
2-Apr | Lecture | Intro to R | |||||
3-Apr | Lab | Intro to R | |||||
7-Apr | Lecture | Data wrangling | Handout 2 | ||||
9-Apr | Lecture | Data wrangling in R | HW 1 | ||||
10-Apr | Lab | Data wrangling in R | |||||
14-Apr | Lecture | Intro to the U.S. Census | Handout 3 | A 1 | |||
16-Apr | Lecture | Working with U.S. Census data in R | HW 2 | ||||
17-Apr | Lab | Working with U.S. Census data in R | |||||
21-Apr | Lecture | Exploratory data analysis | Handout 4 | ||||
23-Apr | Lecture | Exploratory data analysis in R | HW 3 | ||||
24-Apr | Lab | Exploratory data analysis in R | |||||
28-Apr | Lecture | Intro to spatial data | Handout 5 | Q 1 | |||
30-Apr | Lecture | Spatial data in R | HW 4 | ||||
1-May | Lab | Spatial data in R | |||||
5-May | Lecture | Exploratory spatial data analysis | Handout 6 | A 2 | |||
7-May | Lecture | Exploratory spatial data analysis in R | HW 5 | ||||
8-May | Lab | Exploratory spatial data analysis in R | |||||
12-May | Lecture | Big data and open data | Handout 7 | ||||
14-May | Lecture | Working with open data in R | HW 6 | ||||
15-May | Lab | Working with open data in R | |||||
19-May | Lecture | Measuring segregation | Handout 8 | ||||
21-May | Lecture | Measuring gentrification | Handout 9 | HW 7 | |||
22-May | Lab | Segregation and gentrification in R | Proposal | ||||
26-May | Lecture | Memorial Day holiday | |||||
28-May | Lecture | Story Maps using ArcGIS online | Lung-Amam & Dawkins; Davis et al. | HW 8 | Q 2 | ||
29-May | Lab | Story Maps using ArcGIS online | |||||
2-Jun | Lecture | Guest Lecture | |||||
4-Jun | Lecture | Guest Lecture | |||||
5-Jun | Lab | TBD | |||||
11-Jun | StoryMap due 5:00 pm | StoryMap | |||||
12-Jun | StoryMap eval due 5:00 pm | StoryMap peer evals |
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